SimplyFeed is a web application based on DBMS MySQL which enables one to create, modify and publish RSS feeds and manage users and distribution channels.

The RSS – Really Simple Syndicaton – is the recognised standard for the publication of basic information in a simple and swiftly updatable manner.

SimplyFeed manages an unlimited number of RSS feeds created directly by the banks’ internal resources, but also uploaded directly from a XML file or from other applications of RSS authoring, with the function “aggregator of news” provided by different web sources.

SimplyFeed enables one to send simultaneously or in real-time, streams of information to all web channels: the website and portal of the bank, Mobile Banking App, social network account, self service network and Digital Seegnage.

SimplyFeed enables the constant updating of information on web channels contributing to increasing access statistics and improving the positioning of sites on search engines.

SimplyFeed allows the upload of multimedia content to be embedded in the individual feeds.