Critical devices play a crucial role in delivering ongoing services 24/7, 365 days a year. With the rise of targeted cyber attacks on such devices, securing ATM networks has become a top priority.

Differentiating between generic and denial of service attacks is increasingly challenging, making it tough to detect hacking attempts and evaluate their potential impact.

ATM hacking is specifically crafted to compromise data security by exploiting vulnerabilities in IT systems and critical infrastructures.

This lack of clarity exposes companies to various levels of threats, pushing them to adopt a robust cyber security strategy.

Implementing a strategy that incorporates the Zero Trust model for ATM software and utilizes tailored whitelisting security protocols for operational technology (OT) is essential. This approach ensures security measures are in place without disrupting operations or breaching ATM security standards.

Lookwise Device Manager (LDM) is the complete ATM security solution. It enforces ATM software security measures through remote monitoring, protecting critical devices with cyber security measures such as whitelisting, applying zero trust model.


ATMs cannot be protected with plain anti-malware software, as these are made for PCs and laptops.

Lookwise Device Manager helps to enable a complete protection model that goes beyond basic cyber security. It is a platform designed to protect specialised devices, such as those that provide essential services that must be available year-round, 24 hours a day.

ATMs are very attractive targets for malware attacks, since their networks are very often based on old equipment and applications. There are different causes of ATM vulnerability: lack of upgrades on operating systems, limited technical and economic constraints, and poor access control. Moreover, cyber criminals are faster and more creative now. They create new types of targeted cyber-attacks that are more lucrative than traditional physical attacks.

Lookwise Device Manager is a modular platform that provides a wide range of features for the protection of critical devices. More, it adds a layer of control that allows customised actions and remote monitoring of ATMs, so to investigate and promptly respond to potential incidents.


Centralising the cyber security for ATM network is critical to secure ATM transactions and save on secure cash dispensing.

Lookwise Device Manager is a native, multi-vendor, integrated system that centralises IT security operations on a single platform. This ensures minimal impact on performance, while protecting the ATM network against distributed denial of service attacks.

LDM offers a high level of security. It includes a complete protection scheme with whitelisting of software and hardware through different layers of protection.

It also features file protection and full disk encryption, adopting a Zero Trust policy. This model allows any cyber security system to minimise the level of implicit trust. It also allows access to software only when strict controls are in place, thus reducing the attack surface.

With LDM, the bank meets ATM security standards and reduces costs. By strengthening its ATMs, it can also significantly increase the level of service accessibility for existing and potential customers.