Banking Technology Trends Set to Shape 2020
It goes without saying that 2019 was a busy year for the banking sector but what does 2020 have in store for banking?
Here are the top 5 banking technology trends that will define 2020.
This white paper explores the top 5 banking trends that will define the industry throughout the year and how banks need to prepare.
How can Banks use Technology to Humanise Services?
Many customers say banks can be faceless to deal with.
A new concept called “banking for humanity” and popularised by a top fintech guru, attempts to remedy this.
But, how can banks use technology to humanise their services and be more empathetic?
This white paper considers some of the likely steps.
The Value of Investing in In-branch Video Banking
To survive in today’s market, banks have to think differently. Investing in innovative technologies such as video banking – as part of a digital transformation – is one way financial institutions are adapting.
This doesn’t mean humans will be made redundant, but it does mean their roles will change.
So, as banks pilot or expand their video banking plans, what should they consider?
Follow our 5 easy tips to stay in the know.
Generation Z – The Next Wave of Customers for Banks
For a decade or more, banks have been targeting the Millennial customer born between 1980 and 1994.
But today Millennials are as likely to be senior managers within many retail banks.
So perhaps attention should shift to the next wave of new customers called Generation Z?
This white paper explores Generation Z, their behaviours, attitudes to banks and finance, and how banks can appeal to them.
How can banks balance digital transformation with IT costs?
Digital transformation can mean huge IT costs. While traditional banks are absolutely right to invest, how can they do it in a way that doesn’t overstretch their budget?
Discover Auriga’s top tips for banks saving money while future-proofing their business.
Get your free copy
The importance of cash and ATMs in today’s payments landscape
Cash and ATMs still have an important role to play in our everyday lives, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
However not all banks are able to leverage the full potential of self-service devices: banks that do not invest enough in their ATMs risk missing out on inherent benefits of the technology, such as improving customer engagement and creating new opportunities and services.
Download the white paper to find out what banks should be doing to retain customers and mantain access to cash.
Extreme Remote Banking: how and why banks should make investing a priority?
Extreme remote banking – a term encompassing the provision of banking services in extremely remote, rural communities – should be a key focus for every UK retail bank right now.
There are potential ramifications of new legislation on banks, as well as ethical debates around the accessibility of financial services in small communities.
Banks should therefore invest in and maintain remote banking to avoid missing out on not just revenue opportunities, but more importantly, valuable relationships with customers.
Download the white paper to find out what should banks be doing to improve access to financial services in small communities and remote areas.
Top Banking Trends for 2019 and How Banks Need to Prepare
What does 2019 have in store for banking?
This white paper explores the key banking trends that will shape the industry throughout the year and how banks need to prepare.
Discover how bank branch location, fintech partnerships, AI experimentation and more will impact banking over the next twelve months in our white paper.
ATMs and Age Friendly Banking Services to Tackle the Ageing Population Boom
When it comes to demographic trends impacting access to financial services, there has been a heavy emphasis on how the Millennials – or digital natives – are going shake up the way people bank.
However, there is a bigger demographic tidal wave hitting the sector with our society becoming more and more dominated by ageing consumers. Banks need to adapt to a sharp increase in the number or older consumers.
Download the white paper to find out how financial institutions should respond to the ageing population trend and improve accessibility for elderly customers.
Why banks need to rethink their approach to the cloud
Key banking channels are hugely important to customer engagement and are nearly all in the cloud, with the ATM being left relatively untouched by cloud technologies and locked away from potential benefits.
Exploiting cloud technologies provides the best approach, and sits somewhere in between the ‘fat’ and ‘thin’ client approaches – a solution often known as a “Smart Client”.
Download the white paper to find out why banks need to consider a cloud-based ATM architecture to facilitate innovation to revolutionise performance and customer experience.