08 July 2020
As such an unprecedented global event, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into the air a lot of questions about the future of banking. However, what has been clear is that technology has played a key role in keeping people financially secure throughout lockdown, and that it will continue to play a vital role in banking
Cyber-attacks on Banks
09 June 2020
If you haven’t already heard the great news, back in April, Auriga successfully completed its acquisition of the award-winning ATM cybersecurity solution, Lookwise Device Manager (LDM). LDM is a modular security platform developed by a cybersecurity business unit previously integrated in S21sec, a leading European managed security services player, part of corporate venture capital firm
Business Bank Accounts
15 May 2020
The past 12 months have seen many challenger banks step into the business banking world. There have been great promises made, but businesses have a large range of needs. Can the likes of Monzo and Starling truly succeed in this space? In this blog, we look at where challenger banks can improve, and where high
Coronavirus and Banks
03 April 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures are affecting lives nearly everywhere on the planet. Banks are playing a crucial role in how our societies respond and progress through these unprecedented times. As their technology partner, we salute and support the tremendous work being done by banks to protect colleagues and customers, serve their local