Future Banking Technology 2020
27 January 2020
Just like the previous year, Auriga kick-starts the new year with a list of 2020 trends, which we anticipate will define the banking sector in the upcoming 12 months. 1. Bank branches remain a necessity Bank branches nationwide may be reducing in numbers due to their expensive running costs; however, it will remain a traditional
banking events 2019
18 December 2019
From the delicious coffee booth we sponsored to the engaging conversations we struck up with banks and financial organisations, there were loads of highlights from #ATMEurope2019 and #BT19, but here are a few of our favourites. As a leading European supplier of technological solutions for the omnichannel banking and payments, Auriga couldn’t possibly miss the
Video Banking
28 November 2019
While they turn to online banking, and given the rise in digital transformation, most customers still value financial advice face-to-face, especially for complex transactions. Accenture’s recent study of financial service consumers show that on average two-thirds of them favour face-to-face interaction with their bank. But, as banks rationalise branch networks,how can they facilitate cost reductions,
Over 55
06 November 2019
This is part two of our blog series, taking a deep dive into the generations that banks are at risk of neglecting, such as Generation Z. Our second instalment focuses on the over 55s – an important group for banks to ensure they are keeping in mind, especially given the UK’s ageing population. Read on to