ATM 50 years
27 June 2017
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the original piece of financial technology, the ATM. For 50 years they have been a fixture of our high streets, transforming the way we interact with our banks and even how we shop. It’s celebrating its birthday in a very different financial landscape to the one it was
04 May 2017
Over the past few years newspapers have been filled with articles announcing new bank branch closures, but earlier this month there was a new twist. Lloyds announced they would be turning some of their branches into “micro branches” with two staff and self-service machines and a smaller square footage. Is this hybrid combination the future
The future of in-branch banking
30 March 2017
Think about your local high street or town centre, what does it have in common with every town centre across the country? The same coffee shops? The same high-street fashion brands? You might not have thought about something even more obvious – the ATM. Brits love their cash machines, as recent research we sponsored by