What Self-Service Channel Needs for Better Cybersecurity in 2024

October is over and so is the month’s annual focus on putting cybersecurity to the top of everyone’s agendas. But obviously vigilance about cybersecurity shouldn’t let up once Halloween is over. And this is especially the case for the financial institutions which are always in the cross hairs of cyber criminals and fraudsters. The importance


Open banking is changing how customers use financial services and automating the process of signing up. It also provides valuable data for creating personalized business offers. Nevertheless, the uprising is still ongoing. The convergence and melding of finance and data enables a new model: banking-as-a-service. This shift paves the way for enhanced security, increased cross

ATMaaS Managed Serviced blog en

Banks are faced with various challenges, from cost pressures to customers’ rising expectations, and are struggling to adopt scalable strategies for delivering excellent service. They have a greater focus on self-service and automation, changing the shape and flow of traditional branches. For example, tellers have become consultants focused on selling value-added services rather than simple

auriga banking trends 2023

Banking and Fintech industry outlook in 2023

The banking industry is experiencing a major move towards digitalisation to remain competitive and generate new revenue streams to drive growth. In this whitepaper, Auriga will deep-dive into the top trends to consider over the next 12 months for the banking and fintech industries. Staying ahead of these trends is crucial for retail banks to

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Cyber Security Protection Firewall Interface Concept

A month or more into 2023 we have already seen major alerts about banking cybersecurity, plus new insights into how banks can strike back against cyber criminals. Published in January, EY’s authoritative survey of chief risk officers (CROs) at major banks revealed that cybersecurity now tops the list of near-term risks for banks globally, ahead

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Traditional Bank Branch

Digital transformation and innovation in technology have had a strong impact on the supply of banking services to customers and the bank-to-customer relationship. Banks need to prepare themselves for unprecedented challenges by adapting their strategies, to keep pace with new technologies and maintain a competitive edge in the long term. Auriga is committed to research


ATMIA, the leading non-profit trade association representing the entire global ATM industry, has announced Auriga as the winner of the “Improving the Costs of Cash White Paper” contest. Auriga’s “The Cash Management Crunch Resolved by Auriga” white paper was acknowledged for its insights into cash management optimisation. The contest encouraged the global ATM industry to


Auriga was recently honoured with the prestigious Peter Kulik Innovation Award from the ATMIA, the leading non-profit trade association representing the entire global ATM industry. Stefano Cipollone, Auriga’s Business Development Manager, reveals why WinWebServer (WWS), the integrated ATM acquiring solution, was selected and what it means for customers. Q: How do you feel about your Peter Kulik Innovation

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Banking Trends 2022

2022 predictions: the future of banking

The banking industry has seen many changes in 2021, both in Europe and around the globe. We witnessed cases of banks modernising their infrastructures, the adoption of ATM pooling initiatives, and a continued focus on access to cash by governments and consumers alike. That said, as we approach the end of the year, in this

branch transformation 2021 auriga team

A few weeks ago, we attended our first in-person conference in London after many, many months of virtual events. Auriga has always been present at the RBR Branch Transformation and BankSec conference in London, so it was a real pleasure to be back with a physical stand on November 30th – December 1st,  and to